Tag Archives: UNH

Daily Market Intelligence 2/17/22

Things were constructive until the very end when Iran news hit the Oil Market. March crude still has more volume although many front ads will roll to April tomorrow. (J) is trading @ a $2 discount to March. It wrinkles … Continue reading

Daily Market Intelligence 3/22/21

It’s been a long week. Crypto and its proxies held and look to go higher. UNH & Humana in health care are my favorites. Next week is the start of a big game that will take through month end to … Continue reading

Daily Market Intelligence 2/23/21

Daily Market Intelligence 2:23:21

Daily Market Intelligence 10/26/20

Daily Market Intelligence 10-26-20

Daily Market Intelligence 10/14/20

Daily Market Intelligence 10-14-20

Daily Market Intelligence 10/13/20

Daily Market Intelligence 10-13-20

Daily Market Intelligence 6/12/20

Daily Market Intelligence 6-12-20

Daily Market Intelligence 4/29/20

Daily Market Intelligence 4-29-20

Daily Market Intelligence 4/17/20

Daily Market Intelligence 4-17-20

Daily Market Intelligence 3/16/20

Daily Market Intelligence 3-16-20