Tag Archives: KSU

Daily Market Intelligence 10/15/21

Daily Market Intelligence 10-15-21

A.M. Look 3/22/21

April Oil, 30 & 10 yr. Futures Algos are in lockstep; relief in rates and Nasd leads. The Indices will be a trade all week. Risk spreads are positive. Below is an important China article to digest. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-03-21/niall-ferguson-a-taiwan-crisis-may-end-the-american-empire

Daily Market Intelligence 12/18/20

Daily Market Intelligence 12-18-20

Daily Market Intelligence 12/14/20

Daily Market Intelligence 12-14-20

Daily Market Intelligence 8/3/20

Daily Market Intelligence 8-3-20

Daily Market Intelligence 6/25/20

Daily Market Intelligence 6-25-20

Daily Market Intelligence 5/14/20

Daily Market Intelligence 5-14-20

Daily Market Intelligence 5/11/20

Daily Market Intelligence 5-11-20

Midday Missive

Spoo held a big macro level after the Nasd 100 ran the yearly ORL sell stops and held. 30 Yr. Bond Pit gap fill lined up perfectly with the game. Spoo…2601 fills gap. Buy stops are @ 2623.75 KSU & Cost … Continue reading

Daily Market Intelligence 3/2/20

Daily Market Intelligence 3-2-20