Tag Archives: VIX

T-Day Shuffle

2 weeks ago Langer and I went over the low risk buy zone from 4622- into the 4590’s. Spoo/Bonds hit the weekly channel line for the entire covid rally. Nasd/Bonds have elected the weekly ORL sell stops and have so … Continue reading

Daily Market Intelligence 4/5/21

Daily Market Intelligence 4:5:21

A.M. Look 12/21/20

The Long end of the curve expires today along with Oil. VIX hit it’s 200 DMA with Spoo/Bond trading @ 2102, just below its 2018 high. Nasd 100 acts the best Bitcoin hit its first objective. Copper broke into support. … Continue reading

Daily Market Intelligence 12/15/20

Daily Market Intelligence 12-15-20

Daily Market Intelligence 9/10/20

Daily Market Intelligence 9-10-20

A.M. Look 9/8/20

European Debt Expirations Day of the 50 DMA’s Gold, Suisse, EUR/CAD, USD/JPY, GOOGL, NFLX, SMH to name a few. If an instrument hasn’t already retested its 50 DMA, many want to. USD/CNY..trading @ 200 WMA VIX…holding above its 200 DMA … Continue reading

Daily Market Intelligence 9/1/20

Daily Market Intelligence 9-1-20

A.M. Look 7/30/20

VIX…27.04 matches up with an initial low in the Indices. Spoo…descent reversal on the 50X3 After a month of sideways action, Spoo gained on the DAX. DAX has retested its 50 DMA GDP should get the Lagos going early, followed … Continue reading

A.M. Look 7/22/20

It’s Wednesday, need I say more. Spoo’s would need a 3225 print to show weakness. The corporate insiders that bought in March are now selling. VIX Futures expire today. In the past this has brought about volatility. Andrew stumbled on … Continue reading

Daily Market Intelligence 7/20/20

Daily Market Intelligence 7-20-20