Daily Market Intelligence 5:19:22
Risk spreads are positive. Indices are positive. Today AMZN. AAPL, GOOGL, and MSFT led. Square ran out of the opening. Facebook has catchup potential. Nasd 100 closed on its 200 DMA. RBA is tonight. Macro buy stops are just over … Continue reading
Pattern follow through. Yen crosses reversed after the bear trap in AUD/JPY. 2.05 is today 200 DMA in the 30 Yr. Yield. 30 Yr. Futures…156.29 is the top of the monthly cloud You’re looking for back and fill to buy. … Continue reading
Daily Market Intelligence 9:15:21
Daily Market Intelligence 9:13:21
Daily Market Intelligence 3:18:21
Daily Market Intelligence 2:8:21
Rates are creeping higher with the exception of Italy. U.S.10’s vs the Bund mirror Euro. AUD/JPY & EUR/JPY look firm. This will be the second gap up this week in the Indices. Spoo…100X3 has broken out. I would not expect … Continue reading
Daily Market Intelligence 1-6-21
Daily Market Intelligence 7-22-20