A.M. Look 7/20/23

China announced stimulus last night rallying the Aussie.

Yen/Yuan …once again I don’t trust the pattern.

30 yr. is becoming a range trade. The bottom of which is now 124 on the 32X3.

240 min. Spoo/Bond is at resistance. Sustaining above 3620 ish keeps the spread positive.

Netflix 441 is into initial support.

TSLA…264 is the bottom of today’s support.

Today is already seeing the spreading “short Nasd & Spoo against long Dow and Russell.

Do not get sucked in to buying Dow or Russell early!

Nasd 15,700 is the reversal on the 400X3 and the initial buy level.

Spoo…needs a 4562.50 print for intermediate pressure releif.

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