A.M. Look 6/4/24

The commodity trade topped last week. Last night the Yen stuck a fork in it.

Crude/Natty and Gold /Silver spreads should be monitored before you do anything in either sector.

Gold closing below its near Matrix # is the end of that trade for a while.

As stated previously the demand from China has fallen off a cliff.

Elections in India and Mexico are causing disruptions.

Check out John Oliver’s expose on Modi Sunday. Not a pretty picture.

Peso is weak outright and on the crosses. I’m still waiting to see where this settles out. India is down big.

Trade Price not opinion. The pros are playing a big daily options game.

Stay informed.

30 Yr. Bonds need a 118.00 print to go back to the qtly pivot. I’m only interested in price – not the why.

It will be a busy end to the week.

Adam & Yra


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