A.M. Look 2/10/23

Yields still lead with follow through on higher yields from the 2-30’s

Spoo has just come down into support on all Point & Figures.

Pay attention to today’s Pit gaps after the opening if there are any!

A lot was spoken about Icahn’s 4050 SPX Put trade. I would expect to see it trade the strike, but don’t be an idiot selling weakness looking for 10-15 points!

You’ll get your chances today.

Don’t over trade!

TSLA was yesterday’s outlier and it is now in danger of leaving a strander close and gapping its gap to the downside.

That would be short hand for that rally to be over.

I will be leaving by 9:00 A.M. CDT for the rest of the day. The room will remain open.

The next written research will be Monday’s A.M. Look.

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